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You Heard it First from That Teowonna!

Last week on my blog, I wrote:

I'm willing to bet that Tiger Wood's father cheated on his mother. And Tiger actually knew about it! And he kept his father's confidence.  


After reading my blog, someone asked me, "Do you really think Tiger's father cheated on his mother?" My response to her: "Without a doubt!"


Well, this morning during the NBC Today's daily "Tiger Woods Briefing" (how ridiculous is that!) there was a report from one of Tiger's teenage girlfriends that said Tiger often confided in her how distressed he was over his father's infidelity. Aha! Earl Woods did cheat on his wife. Told ja!  Even though Tiger was distraught over his father's infidelity, as most young boys are, he grew up to do the exact same thing.


While the world applauded Earl Woods for raising a world class athlete, it seems he didn't do such a great job raising a man. In fact, he raised a man who is just like him... driven, determined, focused and a cheater. When Tiger wrote an earlier statement saying that his behavior isn't demonstrative of his family values and upbringing, actually it was. He just repeated the behavior that he observed (and detested) in his father. Unfortunately, Tiger has a much larger audience to observe his 'Woods Family' behavior than his father had.


Theory: Men who cheat raise men who cheat.


Advice to Men: It's bad enough that you are disrespecting your wife and reeking havoc on your family with your infidelity, but ultimately, you are teaching your son to follow in his father's footsteps.


Advice to Women: The best indication whether your man will cheat on you: His Daddy! Believe that! 


With the recent report coming out, today would be a great time to read or reread last week's blog.  And I caution you against ever doubting That Teowonna's theories again! Like I say, "You can disagree, but we both know I'm right."


Until next week, ciao'




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